Stuff we do

Parents Night Out
Feb 14th @ 6:30 pm
McCord Hall

This year, for Valentine's Day, our Children's ministry would is going to host a Parent's Night out, where you can drop your kids off at church, from 6:30-9:30 and have a great evening out! We are not gonna provide dinner - so feed your kids ahead of time, or pack them a dinner, but drop them by the church, and have a great evening out! And, if you're one of those who thinks Valentine's Day is a corporate scam to sell gift cards and chocolates, what a GREAT opportunity to show the man who the boss is, by skipping Valentine's Day to volunteer and help us love and serve kids and families at Legend! If you'd like to volunteer, reach out to Cara!


Legend Youth Group: Alpha
Feb 16th @ 6:00pm
4606 Erie Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45227

We will eat, play games, watch a video and discuss big questions. This program is a ton of fun and really great at helping teenagers ask big questions about their life and faith. We will be meeting on the second Sunday of every month. This will take place in McCord Hall. This is a different day than our normally scheduled youth event - we decided to not compete with the Super Bowl this year for attention :D


Lunch Bunch
Feb 16th @ 11:30 am
Element's Eatery

A group of us have been getting together after church for lunch, and would love for you to join us! On the first and third Sunday of each month, we'll meet at Element's eatery for some great food and a chance to get to know people better that we worship with each week! If you have any questions, reach out to Ron Roark!


Legend-MEAC Community Dinner
February 17th @ 5:30 pm
McCord Hall

We have been partnering with our building-neighbors at MEAC to bring a community dinner back to this side of Madisonville - and it's been a ton of fun over the last 6 months!   Often, these kinds of events drift away from being true Community Dinners.  A barrier gets built up between folks who are providing food and the folks who are being fed, and we've been working really hard on that since we started!  So on the 3rd Monday of each month, we'd love for you to come and volunteer, and also come to just eat!  The New Testament has a vision for a community of people of all races, genders, classes, and backgrounds gathered around a table together, sharing in the blessings of a good and thriving creation - so we're trying to live into that as much as we can! So join us at 4:30 to help prepare the meal or set up the room, or join us at 5:30 to eat with your friends and neighbors!  We can't wait to see you on Monday, January 20th! 


Church PotLuck
Feb 23 @ 11:15 am
Legend Community Church

Legend has had a ton of new folks join us over the last year, and we've been looking for ways for folks to get to know each other! And, we've always been our best around a table and with great food, so on the last Sunday of each month, we have a Church Potluck in McCord Hall after the service! Bring food and drinks to share, and we have plenty of oven space and crockpot space to keep things warm! Come sit, eat and hang out with the folks from your church community, get to know people and help us make new people feel welcome! We'll see you on Sunday, Jan 26th!


Legend Youth Group Perfect North Trip
Feb 23 @ 2 pm
Perfect North Slopes

Join us for a fun day of winter sports at Perfect North Slopes! We'll be tubing and having food together! More details to come!


Legend Board Game Night
Feb 23rd @ 420.0

Amy and Dean are hosting this month's board game night at her place, and would love for you to join them! On the last Monday of each month, join your friends from Legend for...adventure? dice? candyland? Who knows! There are a TON of board games out there, each one of them with the potential to end in conflict, fire and flame! So chime in on what you'd like to play, and get ahold of the McKenzies for more details!


Legend Book Club
March 4, 2025 @ 6:30 pm
3101 Portsmouth, Cincinnati, OH 45208

We're going to bring back our book club in 2025 - the Doyle's are going to be hosting as we read, "Trusting God in the Present" as we launch our Lenten season, and we would love for you to join us! If you have any questions, reach out to Audra!